Who We Are
We believe that every child deserves a place to feel safe and connected - but most importantly, a place to belong.

Boys & Girls Club of Elgin is Founded
The City of Elgin and Elgin Police Department, growing tired of escalating drug & gang problems, decided to unite with key stakeholders to find a solution. Enter the Boys & Girls Club of Elgin, which was officially founded on November 9, 1993.

Added 30+ Sites Throughout Elgin
Our club grew to serve youth at 30+ sites in partnership with School District U-46.

Added Aurora and Completed Our South Elgin Clubhouse
Aurora becomes our 6th community, adding youth from 5 schools in the West Aurora School District 129 to our club. Plus, we completed our new clubhouse in South Elgin, which will serve 250 youth.

36 Sites Across the Suburbs
2023 marks our 30th anniversary and milestone of serving nearly 1,500 daily at 36 sites. Also, the South Elgin club is selected as the 5000th Club in the Boys & Girls Club movement.